Algae are fast growing biomass and can be converted to Biodiesel fuel. The demand of biodiesel is growing worldwide. Microalgae need a light:dark regime for productive photosynthesis. Light conditions and Temperature affect directly the growth rate of microalgae (duration and intensity).Literature review of some Green algae species Chlorella, Spirogyra, Chlamydomonas, Botryococcus, Scenedesmus, Neochloris, Haematococcus, Nannochloropsis, Ulva species and few species of brown algae, red algae, blue green algae were chosen to study the effect of temperature and light intensity on their growth. Optimum temperature range 20 °C to30 °C was observed for growth of different algae species. Light irradiance varies between 33 µmol m−2 s−1 to 400 µmol m−2 s−1. Maximum growth rate was found 1.73 d−1 for Selenastrum minutum at 35 °C and 420 µmol m−2 s−1 irradiance. Minimum growth rate (0.10 d−1) was reported for Botryococcus braunii KMITL 2 strain at temperature 25 °C, photoperiod 24:0 and 200 µmol m−2 s−1 irradiance.