Single‐oospore progeny from matings between field isolates of Phytophthora infestans either highly resistant or sensitive to metalaxyl were analysed for fungicide sensitivity in vitro, mating type and, in some cases, allozyme variation at the locus for glucosephosphate isomerase ( GPI‐1. ) In each cross the majority of first‐generation (F 1 ) progeny showed intermediate sensitivity to metalaxyl. Frequency distributions were skewed towards sensitivity and a few progeny were either wholly sensitive or resistant phenotypes. Allozyme analysis of F 1 progeny from a cross between parents of Dutch and Mexican origin showed that c. 10% were selfs of both parents and of parental phenotype for metalaxyl sensitivity. The selfs of the A2 but not the Al parent segregated for mating type. Two backcross generations to the metalaxyl‐resistant Dutch parent gave unexpected phenotypic frequency distributions and aberrant ratios for genotypes at the GPI‐I locus. Progeny of another backcross between an F 1 isolate of intermediate sensitivity and its sensitive Egyptian parent gave a 1:1 ratio for sensitive: intermediate phenotypes. F 2 progeny from a related sibmating between intermediate phenotypes segregated in a ratio close to 1:2:1 for sensitive: intermediate: resistant phenotypes. Segregation was also observed among sexual progeny of an intermediate self‐fertile isolate from the backcross generation but not among progeny of a resistant self‐fertile phenotype. Mating type segregated in both cases. These data are consistent with resistance to metalaxyl in P. infestans being governed by a single nuclear locus exhibiting incomplete dominance. This hypothesis is discussed in relation to the incidence of resistance to metalaxyl in natural populations of P. infestans.