Chemical composition and antibacterial and antibiotic interacting activities of essential oils obtained from the flowering branchlets of seven Artemisia species grown in Iran were investigated. Antibacterial activity against multi-drug resistance extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) positive Escherichia coli was also investigated. Major compounds in different Artemisia oils were α-phellandrene in A. absinthium, camphor in A. annua, 1,8-cineol and borneol in A. kulbadica, β-thujone in A. persica, cis-verbenol in A. santolina and 1-phenyl-penta-2,4-diene in A. scoparia. Artemisia oils showed synergism with antibiotics, in particular ciprofloxacin and nitrofurantoin, against all 5 tested ESBL positive E. coli. A. santolina and A. kulbadica showed promising synergistic activity with antibiotics. Using bioautography, compounds such as cis-verbenol, trans-verbenol and ρ-cymene-8-ol were identified as active compounds of A. santolina, and β-pinene, 1,8-cineol and borneol as active components of A. kulbadica. Artemisia species have antibacterial activity against all tested resistant ESBL positive E. coli and potentiate the efficacy of antibiotics.