The overall conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) with pure water to hydrocarbons is one of the most challenging reactions in the field of photocatalysis. Herein, LaTiO2N coupled with α-Fe2O3 is reported to achieve the overall conversion of gas phase CO2 without sacrificial agents under visible light irradiation. The optimal α-Fe2O3/LaTiO2N sample exhibits the yields of CO and CH4 up to 29.0 and 38.0 μmol g−1 under illumination for 3 h, with a total utilized photoelectron number (UPN) of 362.0 μmol g−1. The superior photocatalytic performance can be due to the efficient coupling of photocatalytic CO2 reduction and H2O oxidation over LaTiO2N and α-Fe2O3, respectively. Strong evidence of Z-scheme charge transfer pathway is illustrated by XPS, photoelectrochemical characterization, TRPL, Kelvin probe technique (KP), EPR and photoinduced redox probe reactions. This work is expected to provide new insights into promoting the photocatalytic performance of LaTiO2N by modulating the charge carrier dynamics.