Objectives: To provide information on vertical dimension (VD), occlusal plane (OP), and size of future occlusal rims, through lateral Rx and cephalometric tracings that analyse and compare hard and soft tissue. To show that these measures are compatible with methods routinely used to prescribe for full. Design: Ten patients age range 53–81. Lateral Rx, with and without dentures, were taken and traced cephalograms were used to compare hard and soft tissue angles and planes. Main outcome measures: Based on three cephalometric analyses: Rickets, and McNamara for skeletal, and Legan‐Burstone for soft tissue, to identify the following landmarks: 13 skeletal points: N, ANS, PNS, Me, Xi, Pm, FC, Or, Po, A, B, Co, Gn and four soft tissue points: G, Gv, Sn, Me′; seven skeletal planes: HP, FP, NF, N‐ANS‐Me, A‐B, ANS‐Me, Co‐Gn, and three soft tissue planes: G‐Sn, Sn‐Me′, Sn‐Gv, and six angles: N‐FC‐A, ANS‐Xi‐Pm, 1 NF, 1MP, 6 NF, interincisor angle. Results: Stability in skeletal VD was observed with the proportion of 0.8 ± 0.2 being present, between the middle third and lower third facial heights, N‐ANS/ANS‐Me. In addition, soft tissue proportion remained near 1, G‐Sn,/Sn‐Me. The length and position of first upper molar, upper and lower incisors were used to predict the OP. When compared with cephalograms of the same patient with dentures, similar measurements were observed. Conclusions: It was possible to provide information on skeletal, facial proportions, VD, OP, and rim size using cephalograms for edentulous patients.