This research sets out to investigate the relationship between WTC (willingness to communicate) in English and FLE (Foreign Language Enjoyment) among Chinese EFL (English as a foreign language) learners in normal universities in Shandong Province, China.This is a quantitative research through survey technique via a questionnaire on students' demographic variables, WTC, and FLE.The data collected from 128 recruited students have been addressed by SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) and AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structures).The outcomes of this research show that the tertiary EFL students in Shandong normal universities evaluated themselves as taking a high level of FLE and L2 WTC.Besides, data exhibited there was a significant positive relationship that is moderately strong between FLE and L2 WTC.Furthermore, the multiple regression analysis showed that FLE-teacher is the FLE dimension that significantly impacts on L2 WTC.Through the achievement of the fitness indexes required for GFI (Goodness of Fit Index), Ratio Chisq/df (Chi-square/ Degrees of Freedom), and RMR (Root Mean Square) at an acceptable level, the proposed structural model does fit with the data gathered.Thereby, the structural model proposed based on the conceptual framework was established for this study.