Vitiligo is a common skin disorder with an estimated worldwide prevalence to 2.28% which is connected with selective melanocytes loss which leads to depigmentation and chalky-white macules. Vitiligo may be dismissed as a cosmetic problem and may have psychologic impacts on patients. It is occurring in both children and adults and is considered as the most common depigmenting skin disorder in the world. There are still many unknown topics about this disease regarding to its treatment in pediatrics, curable drugs and manifestations. Therefore, we decided to evaluate the recent studies about its therapeutic strategies in pediatrics. Topical therapies should be considered as first line treatment in children, but phototherapy especially NBUVB may be used after topical treatment modalities failure or in extensive or rapidly progressive disease. Our suggestion for the treatment of this disease in children is to use combine treatment modalities with observing safety according to the patient's age.