Introduction and Objectives : Eff ective prostate enucleation of hyperplastic tissue can be achieved using various energy delivered techniques.To establish the relative merits of the low-powered (50 W) Holmium Laser compared to the Highpowered (100 W) machine and Bipolar Plasmakinetic Enucleation (PkEEP), we compared 3 prospective patient cohorts.Methods : Twenty patients were assigned to each treatment arm with both HoLEP techniques utilising soft tissue morcellation.Inclusion criteria included Prostate volume of < 100 g; IPSS Score > 10; QMax < 15 ml/sec; Schaff er Grade > 2; and a post void residual volume of < 400 ml.Pre and postoperative measures included International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), trans-rectal ultrasound-assessed prostate volume (TRUS), urofl owmetry, post-void residual urine volume (PVR), urodynamic evaluation and Prostate Specifi c Antigen (PSA) measurements.Th e intraoperative measures included procedure length, energy use, and specimen weight.All adverse events were recorded at each postoperative visit at 1, 3, 6, 12 months.Results : Th e three treatment arms were similar at baseline.Th e mean age in years was 67.4 yr (11.2) in the low power group, 68.9 (2.0) in the High power group and 67.0 (1.7) in the Bipolar group.Th e excised weight was 22.4 g, 21.7 g and 20.0 g respectively.Catheter times and hospital times were 17.5, 25.1, and 24.8 hrs and 26.6, 32.5 and 31.7 hrs respectively.Th ere were no moderate or severe adverse events reported in any group.