The aim of this article is to define the factors, its peculiarities and determinant connection related to the efficient interaction of operative units with other structures in the course of economic crime investigation.Research subjecttheoretical background of interaction in the course of the economic crime.Methodological research is based on the dialectical method of scientific cognition and derived general methods: analysis, analogy, induction etc. Research results demonstrated that specific factors of fact-finding procedure in the course of the pre-trial investigation and peculiarities of criminological characteristics of economic crimes considerably affect the nature and areas of law enforcement agencies interaction within the pre-trial investigation of economic crimes as they determine the specific tasks and methodology of its accomplishment.Practical value.Many recent papers have been dedicated to further elaboration of the abovementioned concepts with consideration of large-scale transformations taking place in the criminal process.Separate features of the fact-finding process in the course of crime investigation are noted along with typical counteracting measures used to condition (with the aim to neutralize) the application of chosen criminalistic methods and operative-search activities, relevant forms of investigative process organization etc. Value/originality.Features and peculiarities of investigation as a fact-finding practical activity are identified, which is crucial for understanding the roles of different subjects in this process who apply numerous cognitive methods in the course of the economic crimes investigation.