Efficient Type-II Heterojunction Nanorod Sensitized Solar Cells Realized by Controlled Synthesis of Core/Patchy-Shell Structure and CdS Cosensitization
Here, we report the successful application of core/patchy-shell CdSe/CdSexTe1–x type-II heterojunction nanorods (HNRs) to realize efficient sensitized solar cells. The core/patchy-shell structure designed to have a large type-II heterointerface without completely shielding the CdSe core significantly improves photovoltaic performance compared to other HNRs with minimal or full-coverage shells. In addition, cosensitization with CdS grown by successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction further improves the power conversion efficiency. One-diode model analysis reveals that the HNRs having exposed CdSe cores and suitably grown CdS result in significant reduction of series resistance. Investigation of the intercorrelation between diode quality parameters, diode saturation current density (J0) and recombination order (β = (ideality factor)−1) reveals that HNRs with open CdSe cores exhibit reduced recombination. These results confirm that the superior performance of core/patchy-shell HNRs results from their fine-tuned structure: photocurrent is increased by the large type-II heterointerface and recombination is effectively suppressed due to the open CdSe core enabling facile electron extraction. An optimized power conversion efficiency of 5.47% (5.89% with modified electrode configuration) is reported, which is unmatched among photovoltaics utilizing anisotropic colloidal heterostructures as light-harvesting materials.