Nearly double the size of the previous edition, the third edition of this classic reference provides a comprehensive, easy-to-access collection of elastic stress solutions for crack configurations. For each configuration, The Stress Analysis of Cracks Handbook present crack tip stress intensity formulas along with other relevant information, such as displacements, crack opening areas, basic stress functions source references, accuracy of solutions, and more. Throughout, it stresses formulas for application to test configurations. The introductory section details the methods of developing the informatio A series of appendices represents special methods and special applications. Now in a hardbound format, the current Handbook offers a number of new features including: * Ne Stress Solutions * Cracked Configurations * Plates with Pinching Loads * Dislocations and Cracks Solutions * Plastic Zone Instability (Expanding a Potentially Interceding Elastic Failure Mechanism) * Estimation Methods for Stress Intensity Formulas * J-Integral Methods * Pure Shear Plasticity Solutions. The authors provide 30 new solution pages, plus modifications of older solutions. Contents Include: * Introductory Information Stress Analysis Results for Common Test Specimen Configurations with Cracks * Cracks Along a Single Line * Parallel Cracks * Cracks and Holes or Notches * Curved, Angled, Branched, or Radiating Cracks * Cracks in Reinforced Plates * Three-Dimensional Cracked Configurations * Crack(s) in a Rod or a Plate by Energy Rate Analysis * Strip Yield Model Solutions * Cracks(s) in a Shell * Appendices.