Microstructural features in raw powders of High Explosives have been qualitatively observed by many researchers, using polarized light and scanning electron microscopy. Here, the authors present a method for non-destructive quantification of volume fraction and structure of intragranular cracks and crystallization voids in a bulk sample (100--300 mg). By employing Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) in conjunction with the method of contrast variation, they can effectively highlight different structural features of a complex system. The technique of contrast variation relies on immersing the sample in a uniform fluid of known neutron scattering length density. By selectively varying the scattering length density of the immersion fluid, scattering contributions from internal and external structures can be separated. This approach is analogous to varying the index of refraction for immersion oil relative to a sample in polarized light microscopy. SANS experiments on HMX were conducted using loose powders (261 and 10 micron mean particle diameters) and pellets made by uniaxial consolidation (without binder) to 7 and 10 volume percent porosity respectively. Detailed modeling of the SANS data indicate significant alteration of the intragranular void/crack/pore structure, with pressing, of the HMX powders.