In order to improve the duration performance of next generation electric vehicle by reducing weight and enhancing cycle life of the batteries [1, 2] , a pouch cell named PINP3 with high energy density and long cycle life has been investigated. The PINP3 was designed based on Nickel-based materials (NCA). The NCA and graphite were respectively used to prepare the positive and negative electrodes. The cell was assembled with three-layer separator and LiPF 6 based electrolyte. The capacity of the PINP30 is above 3 Ah, with the beginning of life (BOL) energy density of 200 Wh/kg at C/10. Increasing the initial energy should not be made to the detriment of cell life, which is unfortunately often the case. Cycling at 100% DoD ability is described in Fig.1. More than 3000 cycles performed at the ambient temperature (charge @ C/2 to 4.2V, discharge @1C to 2.75 V). The capacity fade rate is 23.25% and the average capacity loss is only 0.0075% per cycle. The results of characteristics and achieved life tests demonstrate that the PINP3 cell could be the promising candidate for future electric vehicle. References [1] Y.K.Sun, S.T.Myung., B.C.Park, J.Prakash, I.Belharouak, K, Amine.Nature Materials.8 (2009)320-324 [2] Richard Van Noorden.Nature.507 (2014)26-28. Figure 1