Metal-free heteroatom doped nanocarbons are promising alternatives to the metal-based materials in catalytic ozonation for destruction of aqueous organic contaminants. In this study, N, S co-doped hollow carbon microspheres (NSCs) were synthesized from the polymerization products during persulfate wet air oxidation of benzothiazole. The contents of doped N and S as well as the structural stability were maneuvered by adjusting the subsequent N2-annealing temperature. Compared with the prevailing single-walled carbon nanotubes, the N2-annealed NSCs demonstrated a higher catalytic ozonation activity for benzimidazole degradation. According to the quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) analysis, the synergistic effect between the graphitic N and the thiophene-S which redistributed the charge distribution of the carbon basal plane contributed to the activity enhancement of the N2-annealed NSCs. Additionally, the hollow structure within the microspheres served as the microreactor to boost the mass transfer and reaction kinetics via the nanoconfinement effects. Quenching and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) tests revealed that benzimidazole degradation was dominated by the produced singlet oxygen (1O2) species, while hydroxyl radicals (•OH) were also generated and participated. This study puts forward a novel strategy for synthesis of heteroatom-doped nanocarbons and sheds a light on the relationship between the active sites on the doped nanocarbons and the catalytic performance.