Abstract The accurate assessment of tritium breeding parameters within fusion blankets is crucial for future magnet-confined fusion machines to realize fuel self-sufficiency. Such an assessment can be conducted using the simulation approach with nuclear data of high-fidelity and, most importantly, validated against experimental data. In this paper, we report neutronics experiment studies carried out on a mock-up of the water-cooled ceramic breeder blanket of the China fusion engineering test reactor (CFETR), irradiated at a deuterium–tritium (D–T) neutron source. The mock-up’s nuclear responses to 14 MeV neutrons, including tritium production rates (TPR) and neutron-induced reaction rates, are simulated and validated by experimental results. Redundant measurement techniques are used, including Li 2 TiO 3 pellets for offline TPR measurements and the developed lithium glass detector with a significantly reduced size for online TPR measurements. The validation of the TPR value is complemented by the experimental evaluation of the neutron-induced reaction rates for Au and Zr foils. All experimental results are analyzed using the MCNP-4C code and FENDL-3.0 nuclear data library. The source term for the Monte Carlo simulation is built using a newly-developed method based upon the modeling of the depth profiling of tritium in the tritiated target. The experiments are in good agreement with the simulations; ratios of the calculation to experimental results ( C / E ) on TPR are found to be 0.97–1.08. The influence of the first wall tungsten armor on the mock-up nuclear responses is also studied.