The Li metal anode is necessary for solid-state batteries to dramatically exceed the energy density of state-of-the-art conventional Li-ion batteries. To enable the Li metal anode, the mechanical properties of Li metal under compression in a commercially relevant cell configuration must be determined. This work examines the compression creep behavior of Li metal coupled with a relevant model solid-state electrolyte (Li6.5La3Ta0.5Zr1.5O12) and current collector (Ni) as a function of applied stress (1–10 MPa) and Li foil thickness (100–700 μm). At 1 MPa applied stress, the strain rate of all Li foil thicknesses under compression was almost four orders of magnitude lower than what is predicted from tensile creep tests. Steady-state creep behavior was observed for Li foil ≥350 μm at 5 MPa and ≥250 μm at 10 MPa. Conversely, sustained creep deformation was not observed for 100 and 150 μm Li foils at any applied stress. It is suggested that friction at the Li/LLZO and Li/Ni interfaces leads to the formation of hydrostatic stress that controls Li deformation at low aspect ratios. These results have implications for battery pack stack pressure requirements, particularly relating to void formation during stripping and Li metal filament penetration during plating.