Prolonged multi-point recording of colonic manometry in the unprepared human colon: providing insight into potentially relevant pressure wave parameters
Peter A. Bampton,Phil G. Dinning,Michael L. Kennedy,David Z. Lubowski,Ian J. Cook
To determine the feasibility of and derive normative data for prolonged, 24-h, multipoint, closely spaced, water perfused manometry of the unprepared human colon.In 14 healthy volunteers, 24-h recordings were made using a water perfused, balloon-tipped, 17 lumen catheter which was passed pernasally and positioned so that 16 recording sites spanned the colon at 7.5 cm intervals from cecum to rectum. The area under the pressure curve and propagating pressure wave parameters were quantified for the 16 regions. High amplitude propagating sequences were defined as were rectal motor complexes.Nasocolonic recording was well tolerated and achievable. Propagation sequences, including high amplitude propagating sequences, originated in the cecum (0.32 +/- 0.05/h) more frequently than in other regions and the extent of propagation correlated significantly with proximity of the site of sequence origin to the cecum (p < 0.001). Propagation velocity of propagating sequences was greater than high amplitude propagating sequences (p = 0.0002) and region-dependent, unlike high amplitude propagating sequences (p < 0.01). The frequency of propagating sequences did not increase after the meal, but frequency of high amplitude propagating sequences was increased significantly by the meal (p < 0.01). Rectal motor complexes were seen throughout the colon with no apparent periodicity.Prolonged, multipoint, perfusion manometry of the unprepared colon provides improved spatial resolution of colonic motor patterns and confirms the diurnal and regional variations in propagating pressure waves detected in the prepared colon. The study demonstrates differences between high amplitude propagating sequences and propagating sequence parameters that may have functional significance; and also, that the rectal motor complex is a ubiquitous pan colonic motor pattern.