In this study, a new fixed-time sliding mode control approach for trajectory tracking control of robotic manipulator systems is devised, which provides fixed-time convergence, robust stabilization, and high precision. A novel fixed-time non-singular fast terminal sliding mode surface (FNFTSMS) with fixed-time convergence is provided, and with settling time independent of the initial condition of the system and can be pre-determined using design parameters. Furthermore, using adaptive disturbance observer and the suggested FNFTSMS, a new composite robust control approach is developed. The adaptive disturbance observer is intended to boost control performance and compensate for unpredictably occurring disturbances. The Lyapunov stability theory is used to establish the fixed-time stability of sliding surface and system states under the suggested composite control strategy. Finally, numerical simulations are carried out using PUMA560 robot in order to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficacy of the proposed control method in terms of accuracy of tracking, fast response, and convergent speed.