Summative lab assessments probe student mastery over concepts, but conventional ones often result in decreased student engagement and confidence. If conventional summative lab assessments are replaced by accessible gamified evaluations, such as online escape rooms, this leads to improved student engagement and confidence. In this work, we adapted two sustainability themed online escape room activities to increase student engagement and confidence in data analyses in Integrated Chemistry I (CHEM 381) over three semesters at CSU, Chico. Over 89.7% of students earned full credit. Further, 80.0% of the written comments included positive feedback. After the online escape room assessments, 60.0% of the students rated their confidence as "high" or "very high" in all categories assessed, compared to 25.6% before the experience. Students found that the online escape room assessments were more engaging than the traditional assessment and increased their confidence as they worked toward solving two sustainability crises and competed for the quickest time to complete the escape rooms.