Thermoelectric (TE) coolers show considerable promise for replacing aging refrigeration devices, which suffer from the poor low-temperature performance of most TE materials due to the small entropy of carriers and weak lattice vibrational anharmonicity. Here we propose that two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors with multiple bonding layers can be potential TE cooling materials, and the 2D A$\mathrm{Mn}$X (A = $\mathrm{Sr},\mathrm{Ba}$; X = $\mathrm{Sn},\mathrm{Pb}$) family is identified as an example. Owing to the d-orbital inversion of the $\mathrm{Mn}$ element, both the valence and conduction bands possess continuously square-shaped band edges with slight energy divergence, which trigger high mobility and sharply enhanced density of states near the Fermi level, thereby producing large power factors for both p- and n- type materials. Moreover, the coexistence of soft covalent bonds and ionic layers lowers phonon group velocity and strengthens phonon scattering, resulting in extremely low lattice thermal conductivity. At optimal carrier concentrations, both p- and n-type $\mathrm{SrMnPb}$ quintuple layers can reach ultrahigh room-temperature ZT above 2.0, with excellent average ZT beyond 1.8 from 150 to 350 K. This work not only proposes a tellurium-free alternative for TE refrigeration, but also provides general indicators for guiding the search for high-performance TE cooling materials.