ARTICLES DISCUSSED: Muir, V. G., Prendergast, M. E., Burdick, J. A. Fragmenting bulk hydrogels and processing into granular hydrogels for biomedical applications. Journal of Visualized Experiments. (183), e63867 (2022). Stager, M. A., Erickson, C. B., Payne, K. A., Krebs, M. D. Fabrication of size-controlled and emulsion-free chitosan-genipin microgels for tissue engineering applications. Journal of Visualized Experiments. (182), e63857 (2022). Anderson, A. R., Segura, T. Controlling particle fraction in microporous annealed particle scaffolds for 3D cell culture. Journal of Visualized Experiments. (188), e64554 (2022). Roosa, C. et al. Microfluidic synthesis of microgel building blocks for microporous annealed particle scaffold. Journal of Visualized Experiments. (184), e64119 (2022). Rommel, D., Vedaraman, S., Mork, M., De Laporte, L. Interlinked macroporous 3D scaffolds from microgel rods. Journal of Visualized Experiments. (184), e64010 (2022). Luo, S. -C., Wang, Y., Kankala, R. K., Zhang, Y. S., Chen, A. -Z. Fabricating highly open porous microspheres (HOPMs) via microfluidic technology. Journal of Visualized Experiments. (183), e63971 (2022). Machour, M., Szklanny, A. A., Levenberg, S. Fabrication of engineered vascular flaps using 3D printing technologies. Journal of Visualized Experiments. (183), e63920 (2022). Jalandhra, G., Romanazzo, S., Nemec, S., Roohani, I., Kilian, K. A. Ceramic omnidirectional bioprinting in cell-laden suspensions for the generation of bone analogs. Journal of Visualized Experiments. (186), e63943 (2022). Kajtez, J., Radeke, C., Lind, J. U., Emneus, J. Microgel-extracellular matrix composite support for embedded 3D printing of human neural constructs. Journal of Visual Experiments. (195) e65158 (2023). Senior, J. J. et al. Agarose fluid gels formed by shear processing during gelation for suspended 3D bioprinting. Journal of Visualized Experiments. (195), e64458 (2022). Ataie, Z., Jaberi, A., Kheirabadi, S., Risbud, A., Sheikhi, A. Gelatin methacryloyl granular hydrogel scaffolds: high-throughput microgel fabrication, lyophilization, chemical assembly, and 3D bioprinting. Journal of Visualized Experiments. (190), e64829 (2022).