The helper-like ILC contains various functional subsets, such as ILC1, ILC2, ILC3 and LTi cells, mediating the immune responses against viruses, parasites, and extracellular bacteria, respectively. Among them, LTi cells are also crucial for the formation of peripheral lymphoid tissues, such as lymph nodes. Our research, along with others', indicates a high proportion of LTi cells in the fetal ILC pool, which significantly decreases after birth. Conversely, the proportion of non-LTi ILCs increases postnatally, corresponding to the need for LTi cells to mediate lymphoid tissue formation during fetal stages and other ILC subsets to combat diverse pathogen infections postnatally. However, the regulatory mechanism for this transition remains unclear. In this study, we observed a preference for fetal ILC progenitors to differentiate into LTi cells, while postnatal bone marrow ILC progenitors preferentially differentiate into non-LTi ILCs. Particularly, this differentiation shift occurs within the first week after birth in mice. Further analysis revealed that adult ILC progenitors exhibit stronger activation of the Notch signaling pathway compared to fetal counterparts, accompanied by elevated Gata3 expression and decreased Rorc expression, leading to a transition from fetal LTi cell-dominant states to adult non-LTi ILC-dominant states. This study suggests that the body can regulate ILC development by modulating the activation level of the Notch signaling pathway, thereby acquiring different ILC subsets to accommodate the varying demands within the body at different developmental stages.