By integrating the design principles of broadband metamaterial absorbers with woven structures, this study introduces a woven composite metamaterial (WCM) made of resin and AlCuFe quasicrystals, enabling optical materials to operate efficiently across a wide spectral range while withstanding mechanical deformation. This lightweight metamaterial features a unique 3D four-way braided structure combined with Dirac semimetals. Static analysis reveals that AlCuFe quasicrystals significantly enhance mechanical properties, with a Young's modulus reaching 38 GPa in the z direction and 18 GPa in the x and y directions at 40% fiber content and a 30° weaving angle. Frequency domain simulations show a high average absorption rate of 83.4% in the 3–12 μm range, primarily due to internal electromagnetic coupling. The study further reveals that the electromagnetic properties of the WCM are closely related to fiber content and weaving angle. As a lightweight optical material, the WCM shows strong application potential in fields such as aerospace and electromagnetic countermeasures.