Anna E. Prizment,Abby Standafer,Conghui Qu,Kathleen M. Beutel,Shuo Wang,Wen‐Yi Huang,Annika Lindblom,Rachel Pearlman,Bethany Van Guelpen,Alicja Wolk,Daniel D. Buchanan,Robert C. Grant,Stephanie L. Schmit,Elizabeth A. Platz,Corinne E. Joshu,David Couper,Annette Peters,Timothy K. Starr,Patrícia Scott,Nathan Pankratz
Individuals with cystic fibrosis (CF; a recessive disorder) have an increased risk of colorectal cancer (CRC). Evidence suggests individuals with a single CFTR variant may also have increased CRC risk. Using population-based studies (GECCO, CORECT, CCFR, and ARIC; 53 785 CRC cases and 58 010 controls), we tested for an association between the most common CFTR variant (Phe508del) and CRC risk. For replication, we used whole exome sequencing data from UK Biobank (UKB; 5126 cases and 20 504 controls matched 4:1 based on genetic distance, age, and sex), and extended our analyses to all other heterozygous CFTR variants annotated as CF-causing. In our meta-analysis of GECCO-CORECT-CCFR-ARIC, the odds ratio (OR) for CRC risk associated with Phe508del was 1.11 (P = 0.010). In our UKB replication, the OR for CRC risk associated with Phe508del was 1.28 (P = 0.002). The sequencing data from UKB also revealed an association between the presence of any other single CF-causing variant (excluding Phe508del) and CRC risk (OR = 1.33; P = 0.030). When stratifying CFTR variants by functional class, class I variants (no protein produced) had a stronger association (OR = 1.77; p = 0.002), while class II variants (misfolding and retention of the protein in the endoplasmic reticulum) other than Phe508del (OR = 1.75; p = 0.107) had similar effect size as Phe508del, and variants in classes III-VI had non-significant ORs less than 1.0 and/or were not present in cases. CF-causing heterozygous variants, especially class I variants, are associated with a modest but statistically significant increased CRC risk. More research is needed to explain the biology underlying these associations.