Flexible electronic devices offer new appealing possibilities expanding and revolutionizing the field of energy, consumer electronics, communication, health, and more. Many of these technologies rely on transparent electrodes which are typically fabricated by Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) but there is an urgent need to find more sustainable and low-cost alternatives. While significant progress has been made, there are still challenges to overcome for the fabrication of efficient Transparent Electrodes (TEs). Conducting polymers offer a promising solution for printable TEs, combining conductivity (σ) and transparency with the benefits of abundance, lightweight, and flexibility. This Trend Article examines various material categories being studied for developing transparent electrodes, including metal oxides, metals, and carbon nanostructures. The potential of conducting polymers is highlighted, along with the solution-based coating and printing technologies rising with them, to adapt to the intricate and emerging requirements of our modern world.