The underlying neurobiological mechanisms on suicidal behavior in bipolar disorder remain unclear. We aim to explore the mechanisms of suicide by detecting dynamic functional connectivity (dFC) of corticostriatal circuitry and cognition in depressed bipolar II disorder (BD II) with recent suicide attempt (SA).We analyzed resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data from 68 depressed patients with BD-II (30 with SA and 38 without SA) and 35 healthy controls (HCs). The whole-brain dFC variability of corticostriatal circuitry was calculated using a sliding-window analysis. Their correlations with cognitive dysfunction were further detected. Support vector machine (SVM) classification tested the potential of dFC to differentiate BD-II with SA from HCs.Increased dFC variability between the right vCa and the right insula was found in SA compared to non-SA and HCs, and negatively correlated with speed of processing. Decreased dFC variability between the left dlPu and the right postcentral gyrus was found in non-SA compared to SA and HCs, and positively correlated with reasoning problem-solving. Both SA and non-SA exhibited decreased dFC variability between the right dCa and the left MTG, and between the right dlPu and the right calcarine when compared to HCs. SVM classification achieved an accuracy of 75.24 % and AUC of 0.835 to differentiate SA from non-SA, while combining the abnormal dFC features between SA and non-SA.Aberrant dFC variability of corticostriatal circuitry may serve as potential neuromarker for SA in BD-II, which might help to discriminate suicidal BD-II patients from non-suicidal patients and HCs.