The design and optimization of substructure of a floating offshore wind turbines (FOWT) is an extremely challengeable work. Before this work, it is necessary to investigate the correlation of design variables of the FOWT substructure. The correlation analysis can help to reduce the dimensions of design parameters and output results, and provide insight into the nature of the design space. The subsequent design and optimization workload can therefore be reduced. This paper aims to provide a framework of parametric modeling and correlation analysis of the substructure design variables for a single-column FOWT with a slack catenary mooring system. The NREL offshore 5 MW baseline wind turbine is selected in this study, and various floating foundation configurations are designed to adapt to this wind turbine. In order to evaluate the main dynamic performances of the FOWT well and quickly, a reduced-degree-of-freedom model of the FOWT is constructed and verified. Then, the substructure design parameters are parameterized to facilitate modeling, and simulations based on design of experiments are performed to save evaluation time and cost. In simulations, three sets of steady wind speeds are applied to eliminate the influence of controller dynamics. The results showed that the correlation of dynamic performances of the FOWT is significant, indicating that it is enough to consider several outputs to represent the dynamic behavior of the system. Regarding the designing parameters, the draft generates the most significant influence on the FOWT dynamic performances. The column radius has different influences for the cases with and without heave plates. Additionally, whether or not the heave plate is added, the mooring line length mainly influences the 95th percentile of platform horizontal surge displacement and standard deviation of fairlead tension of the downwind mooring line.