Gilbert H.L. Tang,Syed Zaid,Rebecca T. Hahn,Varun Aggarwal,Mohamad Alkhouli,Edris Aman,Sergio Berti,Y. Chandrashekhar,Scott Chadderdon,Andreina D’Agostino,Neil Fam,Edwin Ho,Chad Kliger,Susheel Kodali,Parasuram Krishnamoorthy,Azeem Latib,Stamatios Lerakis,D. Scott Lim,Vaikom S. Mahadevan,Devi G. Nair,Jagat Narula,Patrick T. O’Gara,Douglas L. Packer,Fabien Praz,Jason H. Rogers,T. Ruf,Carlos E. Sanchez,Alok Sharma,Gagan D. Singh,Nicolas M. Van Mieghem,Mani A. Vannan,Pradeep Yadav,Lina Ya’qoub,Firas Zahr,Ralph Stephan von Bardeleben
3-dimensional (3D) intracardiac echocardiography (ICE) is emerging as a promising complement and potential alternative to transesophageal echocardiography for imaging guidance in structural heart interventions. To establish standardized practices, our multidisciplinary expert position statement serves as a comprehensive guide for the appropriate indications and utilization of 3D-ICE in various structural heart procedures. The paper covers essential aspects such as the fundamentals of 3D-ICE imaging, basic views, and workflow recommendations specifically tailored for ICE-guided structural heart procedures, such as transeptal puncture, device closure of intracardiac structures, and transcatheter mitral and tricuspid valve interventions. Current challenges, future directions, and training requirements to ensure operator proficiency are also discussed, thereby promoting the safety and efficacy of this innovative imaging modality to support expanding its future clinical applications.