Kaiyi Wu,Nathan P. O’Malley,Saleha Fatema,Cong Wang,Marcello Girardi,Mohammed S. Alshaykh,Zhichao Ye,Daniel E. Leaird,Minghao Qi,Víctor Torres–Company,Andrew M. Weiner
Recent developments in Kerr microcombs may pave the way to a future with fully stabilized ultralow size, weight, and power consumption (SWaP) frequency combs. Nevertheless, Kerr microcombs are still hindered by a bandwidth/repetition rate trade-off. That is, the octave bandwidth needed for self-referencing is typically realized only with ∼THz repetition rates beyond the range of standard commercial photodetectors. The carrier envelope offset frequency is often likewise too high for detection. Dual-comb techniques for the measurement of THz repetition rates have made exciting progress, but the f CEO detection problem remains largely unaddressed. In this work, utilizing a Vernier dual-comb configuration, we demonstrate simultaneous detection of the electronically divided repetition rate and f CEO carrier envelope offset frequency of an octave-spanning microcomb. This, in turn, could help usher optical atomic clocks, low-noise microwave generators, and optical frequency synthesizers into various real-world applications.