Influence of two apple cultivars (cvs. Cripps Pink and Idared) and two commercial strains of Saccharomyces bayanus (Lalvin EC1118, Fermol Blanc) on the chemical composition and sensory characteristics of apple wines was tested. Chemical parameters (alcohol, sugar-free extract, reducing sugars, titratable and volatile acidity) of the analyzed wines were strongly affected by apple variety. Ash and sugar-free extracts in Cripps Pink wines were significantly higher than Idared wines. Polyphenols and main organic acids were determined in apple juice and wines. Chlorogenic acid was the most abundant polyphenolic compound with the significantly higher concentrations detected for Idared wines. Total phenolic acids, as well as total flavan-3-ols content, were also higher for wines made from Idared variety where fermentation was conducted with Fermol blanc yeast. Among organic acids significantly higher succinic acid content was determined in wines where Fermol Blanc yeast was used while Lalvine EC1118, irrespective of apple variety, significantly influenced the concentration of lactic acid. Sensory evaluation showed the pronounced influence of variety but also the yeast used, singling out Idared cultivar and Fermol Blanc yeast achieving the best overall quality results.