The present quest for sulfur quantum dots (SQDs) has been to circumvent the inefficient and laborious process involved in previous synthesis strategies. Here, intensely blue-emitting SQDs with a quantum yield up to 14.22 % are prepared by an effective ethylenediamine-assisted acceleration strategy with sublimated sulfur to SQDs conversion on the order of 6 h. The forming of SQDs includes the cleavage of bulk sublimated sulfur powders into small particles of sulfur-nitrogen compounds in the presence of ethylenediamine, which are oxidized to SQDs. The critical finding of this work is that sublimated sulfur can be rapidly converted from zero-valent sulfur to polysulfide by simple heating in the effect of ethylenediamine that dramatically boosts preparation efficiency. Significantly, the combination of SQDs and MnO2 nanosheets achieve fluorescence/scattered light ratiometric sensing of ascorbic acid with a limit of detection of 11.31 nM. This work provides a facile and rapid method for the fabrication of SQDs that could even enable SQDs to be applied in more expansive fields than carbon QDs and silicon QDs in the future.