Electrophoresis 2015, 36, 62–75. DOI: 10.1002/elps.201400316 Prof. Hanfa Zou and coworkers have reviewed the recent progress and development of preparation approaches of hybrid monoliths, mainly covering the literature since July of 2012. First, the direct synthesis approach of hybrid monoliths via sol-gel chemistry and following post-modification was an important route to fabricate various monolithic stationary phases, particularly, to modify the hybrid monoliths containing amino-, epoxy-, vinyl- and other groups. Second, “one-pot” process, as a novel preparation approach of hybrid monoliths, was further developed in the past two years, in which various organic functional monomers, not only water-soluble monomers, but also hydrophobic monomers could be added in the preparation system. Other polymerization techniques in the preparation of organic monolithic materials, particularly, free radical polymerization and ring-opening polymerization, were successfully transferred to fabricate the hybrid monoliths by using silane-containing monomers including POSS monomers or other self-synthesized monomers.