期刊:Journal of research of the National Bureau of Standards日期:1956-10-01卷期号:57 (4): 217-217被引量:3625
In differe ntial thermal analys is, the temp erat ure at whi ch th e maxi mum de nection is obse rved varies with h eating rate for certain ty pes of r eactio ns.An ex press ion ca n be d eri ved r elating this variat ion with t h e kin etics of t lw r eaction .By ma kin g a !lumber of d ir-J'erential t her mal patterns at dir-J'er ent h eating rates, t he kinetic eOJl stants can be obtai ned diree Uy from t h e differential t h ermal data.M ea surements of t h e variation of peak te mperat ure w it h heat illg rate have bee n mad e fo r se veral min erals of t he kaolin group, the valu es of t h e kin etic constants dete rmin ed, a lld t hese values compared with corresp onding values obtain ed for both the same samp les and simil ar material by conventional isothermal techniqu es.So me factors affecting t he resul ts are disc u ssed .