Developing animals are particularly vulnerable to predation. Hence, precocial young of many taxa develop predator escape performance that rivals that of adults. Ontogenetically unique among vertebrates, birds transition from hind limb to forelimb dependence for escape behaviours, so developmental investment for immediate gains in running performance may impair flight performance later. Here, in a three-dimensional kinematic study of developing birds performing pre-flight flapping locomotor behaviours, wing-assisted incline running (WAIR) and a newly described behaviour, controlled flapping descent (CFD), we define three stages of locomotor ontogeny in a model gallinaceous bird ( Alectoris chukar ). In stage I (1–7 days post-hatching (dph)) birds crawl quadrupedally during ascents, and their flapping fails to reduce their acceleration during aerial descents. Stage II (8–19 dph) birds use symmetric wing beats during WAIR, and in CFD significantly reduce acceleration while controlling body pitch to land on their feet. In stage III (20 dph to adults), birds are capable of vertical WAIR and level-powered flight. In contrast to altricial species, which first fly when nearly at adult mass, we show that in a precocial bird the major requirements for flight (i.e. high power output, wing control and wing size) convene by around 8 dph (at ca 5% of adult mass) and yield significant gains in escape performance: immature chukars can fly by 20 dph, at only about 12 per cent of adult mass.