Methods for apportioning sources of ambient particulate matter (PM) using the positive matrix factorization (PMF) algorithm are reviewed. Numerous procedural decisions must be made and algorithmic parameters selected when analyzing PM data with PMF. However, few publications document enough of these details for readers to evaluate, reproduce, or compare results between different studies. For example, few studies document why some species were used and others not used in the modeling, how the number of factors was selected, or how much uncertainty exists in the solutions. More thorough documentation will aid the development of standard protocols for analyzing PM data with PMF and will reveal more clearly where research is needed to help future analysts select from the various possible procedures and parameters available in PMF. For example, research likely is needed to determine optimal approaches for handling data below detection limits, ways to apportion PM mass among sources identified by PMF, and ways to estimate uncertainties in the solution. The review closes with recommendations for documenting the methodological details of future PMF analyses.