Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) has been recognized for its potential in palliative treatment for pancreatic cancer as well as malignant biliary strictures. The purpose of this review is to describe the technology, endoscopic technique, and reported outcomes of endoscopic RFA in the management of malignant biliary strictures and unresectable pancreatic cancer.Intraductal biliary RFA is safe and feasible and appears to confer a survival advantage. Pancreatic endoscopic ultrasound-guided RFA is a promising new technique and may result in either resolution of tumor or reduction in size.Intraductal biliary RFA and pancreatic endoscopic ultrasound-guided RFA are important modalities in malignant biliary obstruction and unresectable pancreatic cancer. Intraductal biliary RFA should be used as an adjunct to biliary stenting. Further trials are needed to determine if RFA leads to a benefit in pancreatic cancer treatment. Two prospective trials are currently underway to determine if intraductal biliary RFA indeed confers a survival advantage in malignant obstruction.