To examine most postequatorial retina in eyes with myopic macular retinoschisis (MRS) by ultra-widefield (UWF) OCT and to determine whether paravascular vitreal adhesions play a role in the development of MRS.
Retrospective single-center observational case series.
One hundred fifty highly myopic participants who were older than 50 years with and without an MRS were studied. High myopia was defined as an eye with an axial length of more than 26.5 mm.
All participants underwent UWF OCT imaging with a scan width of 23 mm and a depth of 5 mm using a prototype swept-source OCT device. The vitreoretinal adhesions to the foveal retina and retinal vessels and paravascular abnormalities, including paravascular retinal cysts, paravascular retinoschisis, and paravascular lamellar holes, were analyzed in the UWF OCT images. The findings in eyes with an MRS were compared with those in eyes without an MRS.
Main Outcome Measures
The relationships between MRS and vitreal adhesions to the retinal vessels or to the fovea were determined.
An MRS was found in 49 of the 150 eyes (33%). Vitreal adhesions to the retinal vessels were found more frequently in eyes with an MRS than in eyes without an MRS (63% vs. 44%; P = 0.04). In contrast, the number of eyes with adhesions to the fovea in eyes with an MRS was not significantly different from that in eyes without an MRS (57% vs. 59%). Paravascular lesions, for example, retinal cysts, retinoschisis, and lamellar holes, were more common in eyes with an MRS than in eyes without an MRS (71% vs. 36%, 61% vs. 17 %, and 20% vs. 8% [P < 0.001, P < 0.001, and P = 0.03], respectively). Multivariate analysis showed that the presence of paravascular vitreal adhesions was a significant predictor for MRS development (odds ratio, 2.56; P = 0.02).
Paravascular vitreal adhesions may be related to the development of the different types of paravascular lesions including retinal cysts and retinoschisis, and play a more important role in the development of an MRS than vitreal adhesions to the fovea.