Gastric carcinoma, gastrointestinal stromal tumor and gastric neuroendocrine tumor are the most common gastric neoplasms. A series of researches in 2019 showed that the safety and efficacy of laparoscopic gastrectomy in the treatment of both early and advanced gastric cancer patients are similar to open surgeries, providing a high-level evidence-based medical basis for the promotion of laparoscopic surgery in the treatment for gastric cancer. In multidisciplinary treatment and perioperative chemoradiotherapy, major research results have also been published, and clinical researches in China are gradually gaining international recognition and attention. Although the application of targeted therapy and immunotherapy has made progress, the first-line therapy after gastric cancer surgery has not been established. In the field of gastrointestinal stromal tumors, laparoscopic surgery has gradually been recognized, and surgical treatment of patients with advanced drug resistance still has its value. In terms of gastric neuroendocrine tumors, the latest researches showed that surgical methods should be selected according to tumor characteristics, and gastric adenocarcinoma with neuroendocrine components may have a worse prognosis.目前胃部肿瘤以胃癌、胃肠间质瘤和胃神经内分泌肿瘤最为常见。2019年胃癌的腹腔镜手术方面,一系列的研究成果均显示,微创手术在早期胃癌治疗中的安全性以及进展期胃癌的肿瘤学疗效都与传统开放手术相似,为腹腔镜手术在胃癌治疗中的推广提供了高级别循证医学依据。胃癌综合治疗方面,也有重大研究结果公布,我国的临床研究也逐渐得到国际上的认可和关注。靶向治疗和免疫治疗的应用虽有进展,但在胃癌术后的一线治疗尚未能得到认可。胃肠间质瘤领域,腹腔镜手术也逐渐得到推广,晚期耐药患者手术治疗仍有其价值。胃神经内分泌肿瘤方面,最新研究显示,手术方式应根据肿瘤特性来加以选择,胃癌若合并神经内分泌肿瘤成分则可能预后更差。.