We investigated the effects of seated versus prone leg curl training on hamstrings muscle hypertrophy and susceptibility to eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage.Part 1: Twenty healthy adults conducted seated leg curl training with one leg (Seated-Leg) and prone with the other (Prone-Leg), at 70% one-repetition maximum (1RM), 10 repetitions per set, 5 sets per session, 2 sessions per week for 12 wk. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-measured muscle volume of the individual and whole hamstrings was assessed pre- and posttraining. Part 2: Nineteen participants from part 1 and another 12 untrained controls (Control-Leg) performed eccentric phase-only leg curl exercise at 90% 1RM, 10 repetitions per set, 3 sets for each of the seated/prone conditions with each leg. MRI-measured transverse relaxation time (T2) and 1RM of seated/prone leg curl were assessed before, 24, 48, and 72 h after exercise.Part 1: Training-induced increases in muscle volume were greater in Seated-Leg versus Prone-Leg for the whole hamstrings (+14% vs +9%) and each biarticular (+8%-24% vs +4%-19%), but not monoarticular (+10% vs +9%), hamstring muscle. Part 2: After eccentric exercise, Control-Leg had greater increases in T2 in each hamstring muscle (e.g., semitendinosus at 72 h: +52%) than Seated-Leg (+4%) and Prone-Leg (+6%). Decreases in 1RM were also greater in Control-Leg (e.g., seated/prone 1RM at 24 h: -12%/-24%) than Seated-Leg (0%/-3%) and Prone-Leg (+2%/-5%). None of the changes significantly differed between Seated-Leg and Prone-Leg at any time points.Hamstrings muscle size can be more effectively increased by seated than prone leg curl training, suggesting that training at long muscle lengths promotes muscle hypertrophy, but both are similarly effective in reducing susceptibility to muscle damage.