Microalloying of an Al-15%Mg2Si alloy (wt%) with 1%Cu produced an enhanced age-hardening response, increasing peak hardness and ultimate tensile strength due to a modified precipitation process. The solid solubility of Cu in Al-15%Mg2Si alloy effectively promotes the formation of the high number density of Guinier-Preston-Bagaryasky (GPB) zones combined with S precipitates. It suppresses β′ and β″ formation during ageing at 200 °C. Consequently, Al-15%Mg2Si-1%Cu alloy with the high density of GPB zones and S phase exhibited high peak hardness (121 HVN) and ultimate tensile strength (284 MPa), 42.4% and 49.5% higher than that of the Al-15%Mg2Si alloy, respectively.