This paper presents the results of a comprehensive laboratory study on the thermal conductivity of dense and broadly graded coarse base-course materials used in pavements. Materials were selected from eight quarries along the axis of the St. Lawrence River to include a variety of samples of different geological origins. Nearly 200 tests were performed in a thermal conductivity cell using Pyrex heat flux meters to characterize the relationships between the thermal conductivity of unfrozen and frozen samples and the waterice content. Sixteen tests were also performed on solid rock cylinders to characterize the influence of mineralogy on the thermal conductivity of solid particles from the selected quarries. The most widely used empirical prediction models for thermal conductivity of soils from the literature were found inappropriate to estimate the thermal conductivity of base-course materials. An improved model using the geometric mean method to compute the thermal conductivity for the solid particles and the saturated materials, a modified form of the geometric mean method to predict the thermal conductivity of dry materials, and empirical relationships to assess the normalized thermal conductivity of unfrozen and frozen base-course materials are presented. This new model predicted well the thermal conductivity for more than 150 unfrozen and frozen coarse sand and gravel samples from the literature. A step by step methodology is proposed to assess the thermal conductivity of base-course materials.Key words: base course, porosity, degree of saturation, mineralogy, unfrozenfrozen, thermal conductivity.