Rare-earth element doping has been extensively employed as one of the effective methods to enhance the durability of thermal barrier coatings (TBCs). In present study, ytterbia and yttria co-stabilized zirconia (YbYSZ) coatings and corresponding double-ceramic-layer (DCL) coatings comprised of a dense layer were produced by atmospheric plasma spraying. And the service capability including phase stability, thermal shock behavior and CMAS resistance were systemically evaluated. After heat treatment at 1500 °C for various durations, less monoclinic phase can be found in YbYSZ specimen, indicating excellent phase stability at high temperature. In the thermal shock test, the conventional YbYSZ coatings show a longest thermal shock lifetime, which increases by ~10% as compared with that of conventional yttria-stabilized ZrO2 (YSZ) coatings. CMAS corrosion resistance of DCL coatings was studied using an isothermal corrosion test at 1300 °C. The results show that YbYSZ systems with a dense layer performed a high resistibility to CMAS corrosion, and less damage can be observed in coatings as well as smaller infiltration depth within the same time.