Gorski et al. report a meta-GWAS of rapid kidney function decline in 42 longitudinal studies from the CKDGen Consortium and UK Biobank, amounting to more than 270'000 individuals with two eGFRcrea measurements. They identified genome-wide significant variants associated with two indexes of rapid kidney function decline, involving genes with a high potential for causality. These data increase our understanding of kidney function and risk of disease. Gorski et al. report a meta-GWAS of rapid kidney function decline in 42 longitudinal studies from the CKDGen Consortium and UK Biobank, amounting to more than 270'000 individuals with two eGFRcrea measurements. They identified genome-wide significant variants associated with two indexes of rapid kidney function decline, involving genes with a high potential for causality. These data increase our understanding of kidney function and risk of disease. Meta-analysis uncovers genome-wide significant variants for rapid kidney function declineKidney InternationalVol. 99Issue 4PreviewRapid decline of glomerular filtration rate estimated from creatinine (eGFRcrea) is associated with severe clinical endpoints. In contrast to cross-sectionally assessed eGFRcrea, the genetic basis for rapid eGFRcrea decline is largely unknown. To help define this, we meta-analyzed 42 genome-wide association studies from the Chronic Kidney Diseases Genetics Consortium and United Kingdom Biobank to identify genetic loci for rapid eGFRcrea decline. Two definitions of eGFRcrea decline were used: 3 mL/min/1.73m2/year or more ("Rapid3"; encompassing 34,874 cases, 107,090 controls) and eGFRcrea decline 25% or more and eGFRcrea under 60 mL/min/1.73m2 at follow-up among those with eGFRcrea 60 mL/min/1.73m2 or more at baseline ("CKDi25"; encompassing 19,901 cases, 175,244 controls). Full-Text PDF Open Access