Beverage fortification with phytochemicals can be done by nanocarriers to improve solubility and stability. A functional beverage was prepared from sattu (roasted Bengal gram powder) in limewater. Rutin loaded pectin nanoparticles (RLPN), calcium and riboflavin were added as fortificant. The encapsulation efficiency and yield of RLPN was 90.23% and 69.64%, respectively. The hydrophilic property, solubility and antioxidant activity of rutin was improved after being loaded on the pectin nanoparticles. The pH, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, protein content and calcium content of fortified beverage was 4.42–4.46, 7.60–9.20 °Brix, 0.480%–0.496% Lactic acid, 2,294.957–2,393.470 mg bovine serum albumin/L and 412.269–420.117 mg/L, respectively. Isobolographic analysis was done to study the interaction between ingredients, additives and fortificant. RLPN showed a synergistic effect with sattu powder and citric acid while antagonistic behavior was observed with riboflavin. Fortified sattu beverage can be an alternative to the existing protein beverages. Novelty impact statement Sattu (roasted Bengal gram flour) is a staple food in many parts of Indian subcontinent. It is a high protein food which is easily digested. This research work is aimed toward the formulation, optimization and analysis of the fortified sattu beverage. The incorporation of RLPN has increased the antioxidant potential and the use of limewater has elevated the calcium content. The appearance of the beverage is also appealing to the consumers due to the addition of riboflavin. These characteristics are sought by food processing industries nowadays in the recent food products.