Ovarian cancer, colloquially termed the "king of gynecological cancers," presents significant diagnostic and therapeutic challenges due to its covert nature. It ranks as the deadliest gynecologic malignancy with a disheartening 5-year survival rate below 40%. Standard therapeutic protocols for newly diagnosed patients encompass cytoreductive surgery followed by neoadjuvant or adjuvant platinum-based chemotherapy. Despite initial chemotherapeutic responses, recurrence is common, affecting up to 80% of patients, with nearly all developing eventual resistance to chemotherapy regimens. This case report highlights an Aisan patient with ovarian cancer, who exhibited tolerance, recurrence, and progression after several prior lines of treatment. The application of Mirvetuximab Soravtansine, facilitated by positive FRα expression identified through IHC analysis, notably reduced tumor lesions and CA125 levels, achieving a complete response and maintaining low CA125 levels during treatment, underscoring its efficacy in treating platinum-resistant recurrent ovarian cancer.