Understanding continuous use intention of technology among higher education teachers in emerging economy: evidence from integrated TAM, TPACK, and UTAUT model
This paper presents a new model of integrated technology continuance model (ITCM) to explain teachers' Continuous Use Intention (CUI) of technology in the higher education institutions (HEIs). Drawing constructs from prominent technology adoption models like TAM, UTAUT, and incorporating the theory of TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge), the new research model is developed and tested. An online survey was carried out to gather data from 573 teachers teaching in the HEIs of an emerging economy using purposive sampling method. Data collected was evaluated utilizing the partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). Analysis establishes applicability of ITCM model in predicting CUI of technology among teachers, with an explanatory power of 60.4%. The study also highlights the positive influence of facilitating conditions and management support on TPACK which has a favorable impact on self-efficacy, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use. Additionally, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, self-efficacy, and social influence has a major influence on the CUI of technology among teachers in HEIs. The study provides insights into factors influencing the integration of technological innovations in a teachers' pedagogy and the classroom settings to achieve some key tasks of sustainable development goal 4 (SDG4). Future research directions and study implications have been proposed considering the research findings.