Ultrasound image segmentation is a challenging task due to the complexity of lesion types, fuzzy boundaries, and low-contrast images along with the presence of noises and artifacts. To address these issues, we propose an end-to-end multi-scale feature extraction and fusion network (MEF-UNet) for the automatic segmentation of ultrasound images. Specifically, we first design a selective feature extraction encoder, including detail extraction stage and structure extraction stage, to precisely capture the edge details and overall shape features of the lesions. In order to enhance the representation capacity of contextual information, we develop a context information storage module in the skip-connection section, responsible for integrating information from adjacent two-layer feature maps. In addition, we design a multi-scale feature fusion module in the decoder section to merge feature maps with different scales. Experimental results indicate that our MEF-UNet can significantly improve the segmentation results in both quantitative analysis and visual effects.