Menglin Shi,Hao-Ming Li,Tianyu Chen,Bocheng Huang,Xiaoyue Li,Xiaohui Dong,Shuyan Chi,Qihui Yang,Hongyu Liu,Junming Deng,Beiping Tan,Shuang Zhang,Shiwei Xie
This experiment aimed to evaluate the impact of dietary hydroxyproline (Hyp) supplementation on the flesh quality of juvenile Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) fed a low fishmeal diet. Six formulated diets included one high fishmeal (HF; 25% fishmeal content) and five low fishmeal diets (10% fishmeal content) with 0%, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6% and 0.8% Hyp (LF0, LF2, LF4, LF6 and LF8, respectively). Each diet was assigned to four replicates and 40 shrimp (0.32 ± 0.00 g) per replicate were fed four times a day for 8 weeks. Dietary Hyp supplementation had little effects on growth performance, but significantly increased the contents of Hyp, prolyl 4-hydroxylases (P4Hs), and collagen (P < 0.05). The meat yield, springiness, hardness, chewiness, and cohesiveness of muscle were the highest in the LF2 group. Cooking loss and freezing loss of muscle were the lowest in the LF2 group (P < 0.05). Dietary supplementation with 0.4% Hyp increased the myofiber density and decreased the myofiber diameter of muscle (P < 0.05). Supplementation of Hyp in the diet up-regulated the mRNA expression of smyhc5, smyhc15, col1a1, col1a2, igf-1f, tgf-β and tor, and down-regulated the mRNA expression of smyhc 1, smyhc 2, smyhc 6a (P < 0.05). Supplementation of Hyp in the diet up-regulated the protein expression of P-4E-BP1, P-AKT, AKT and P-AKT/AKT (P < 0.05). These results suggested that the addition of 0.4% Hyp to low fishmeal diets improved the flesh quality of L. vannamei.