In this article, an n+ pocket step shape heterodielectric double gate Tunnel TFET (SSHDDG-TFET) is designed for high frequency and biosensing applications. A calibration of TCAD model with fabricated data is presented to achieve accurate results from the simulator. The effect of pocket doping concentration on transconductance (gm), cut-off frequency (fc), and gain bandwidth product (GBW) are highlighted for n+ pocket SSHDDG TFET. In consecutive step, a biosensor is designed using the proposed TFET to detect the wide range of biomolecules and the sensitivity is extracted in the existence of neutral as well as charged biomolecules. The sensitivity is analyzed considering the partially filled cavity of this biosensor. The various prominent results in terms of analog and biosensing applications for the considered TFET are drain current sensitivity (SI,DS) of 3.21 × 1010, 3.6 × 1013, and 9.5 × 107 for neutral, positive (Nf = 1e12 cm−3), and negative charged biomolecules (Nf = -1e12 cm−3), respectively, at k = 12, maximum gm of order 10−4 S, and fc is of order 1010 Hz.