Ship engine room layout design (SERLD) significantly impacts a ship's transportation efficiency and safety by focusing on the layouts of equipment and piping. However, owing to complex constraints, previous research has mainly focused on single-dimensional layout designs and has failed to provide comprehensive references for designers. To address this research gap, this study proposes a collaborative layout method based on a multistrategy hybrid-objective artificial fish swarm algorithm (HMSAFSA). In terms of the underlying mathematical representation, a more stable Manhattan trajectory-based coding method suitable for a collaborative layout is proposed. Building on this coding method, multiple strategies are incorporated into the heuristic AFSA to enhance its optimization and collaborative performance. Collaborative evaluation functions and methods are designed and refined to ensure effective layout results for multiple objectives. Furthermore, a layout procedure incorporating bidirectional guidance strategies and hierarchical thinking is proposed. This method achieves collaborative layouts through the mutual guidance of optimal objectives. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified through representative cases of various types of ship engine rooms in practical engineering. The method demonstrates its capability to offer multiple optimal layout schemes, thus presenting substantial value for practical engineering designs.